Friday, March 18, 2011

First Ride with Smart Phone :)

What a great day! Granted, it is Friday, above 40 degrees, the day after payday but I can't remember a more sucky week. First I did our taxes and found that we owe $2500.00:( then Wednesday Sharon's car breaks down in Bourne and our car guy spent the next day on it and can't find out what is wrong with it:( and today the water cooler stopped working. Since the family is down to two cars I decided to ride in to work for the first time in many years. WOW, I can't say enough about the difference it makes to get a short ride in before work. Plus I have mounted my iphone to my bike using the Otter belt clip and used the "mapmyride+" app. It tracks everything you can think of for the ride and it talks to me every five minutes with my speed, average speed, pace, average pace and time, so cool!!!! Can't wait to show it off to the CCSC team.

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