Wednesday, August 11, 2010


As I said before I had a great ride this year but I forgot to thank everybody that have given me $$$ for the ride. With your help I have raised about 60% with two months left to raise the balance. I'm positive that I will get there and thanks again!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Finished 2010

Just got home a couple hours ago from my annual life experience. There are no words that describe what it feels like to have over 5200 riders and 3000 support volunteers come together for one common cause. I would highly recommend it to anyone. Please take the time to check out the PMC web site and I will try to download some pictures in the next couple days. If you haven't donated to my ride there is still plenty of time, every little bit helps. Thanks also to my fellow teammates and very good friends for such a great ride and to Sharon, Rachel and Kara for always being there.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Well, I have done it again, yesterday I signed up for my ninth PMC this coming summer. So many people I know have been affected by cancer during my two years off I felt very guilty that I was not doing something. It will be a fun year since the only bike I own is the steal touring bike that I used on my 1200 mile ride around California with Jake last summer. It is not build for speed but I could give team mates rides if needed!

This year I'm also going to try to post lots of training pictures and some PMC videos so if you don't live in the area you can see what the PMC is all about.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

In Memory of Mary

Very sad news to report - my very dear colleague, Mary Ministeri, died yesterday, August 4th, after fighting cancer for almost two and half years. You will be missed.